Skincare guide for surviving the Summer heat

In search of something made with love to care for your skin? You’ve come to the right place.

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and the most exposed to the pressures of our harsh environment. Our first shield against disease and infection, it certainly deserves the best care.

The first step to loving your skin is to create a regular body care ritual. Your daily skincare routine ensures that your body has enough nourishment to stay healthy and great looking. Whatever your skin type -oily, sensitive or ultra-dry, two steps in your routine must take priority... Cleansing and moisturizing!

Our luxury soap and lotion range is certified natural and packed with nourishing products including enriching coconut oil. They support long-lasting hydration and nourishment of the skin. Coconut oil has been known to:

  • reduce dryness
  • protect the skin by creating a protective barrier
  • fight signs of ageing
  • possess antimicrobial properties that effectively kill bacteria and fungi


Our luxury fragranced soaps are made with natural and organic ingredients and are free from harmful sulphates and parabens. They are gentle on all skin types, thoroughly cleansing without stripping the skin of moisture. When activated with water, the liquid soaps create a silky and milk-like texture that leaves your skin feeling refreshed, glowing and fragrant.

Whether first thing in the morning or after a long and stressful day, make time to indulge in a relaxing, soothing and luxurious bath ritual with these beautiful products.


Moisturizing is arguably one of the most indispensable steps in any skincare routine. This step ensures that your skin's cells are replenished and rejuvenated, making your skin radiant and healthy.

Our lush body lotions are ideal for everyday use and formulated to smooth and hydrate skin. These fragranced lotions are made with rich oils engineered to provide the necessary moisture to protect the skin from sun damage.

Our luxury lotion is rapidly absorbed, making it the perfect daily moisturiser. Apply your body lotion on damp skin every day after showering. This helps lock in and retain moisture.

Love for hands

Our hands are probably the most used part of our body and yet they are sometimes the most neglected when it comes to skincare. Hands are constantly exposed to dirt, water, sunlight, chemicals and all sorts of harmful fluids. When we neglect our hands, we leave them defenceless against dehydration, pigmentation, dryness and ageing. That is why they require extra pampering.

Cape Island hand creams contain natural oils that help to nourish the skin on hands and provide them with the necessary protection and moisture.

All our fragranced body products are available in our six signature scents, all designed to provide softness and hydration while leaving a long-lasting scent on the skin.