Meet Tracy Theys - The Oracle, as some call her.

Tracy manages Client Accounts and relationships at Cape Island. A jack of all trades, you can count on Tracy to deliver sage advice and drop pearls of wisdom when you need it most. She's the kind of mom who carries a screwdriver in her handbag...just in case.

Tracy is a problem-solver, often providing a unique perspective on situations and finding creative ways of getting the job done effectively.

For Tracy, being a wife and mother of three amazing children - aged 16, 13, and 9 can be both tough and beautiful.

Her greatest challenge as a working mother?
FOMO - Missing important milestones in the development of her children.

Motherhood and career
"It is not easy to switch between mom and work gears," Tracy says. Having to manage both roles at the same time means that one will often take priority over the other.

Tracy and her husband have taught their kids that this doesn't mean that one role is more important than the other - they understand the need for their parents to be at work.

Advice for young mothers
Make time to refuel yourself. You cannot pour from an empty jar. At times, allow yourself to be selfish with your well-being - it pays off in the long run.

She loves her kids dearly and will never exchange the precious memories she has made with them.

We wish all mothers a delightful Mother's Day and applaud you for the very special role you play. Visit our latest Mother's Day blog here, and explore a list of the treasured characteristics that moms hold.